BowieXp on davidbowie.com
21st Century

It's safe in the city, to love in a doorway...
Well, I don't need to say much more really...apart from the fact that you can see what else The Bowie Experience is planning to do here and you can read more about the Mathew Street Music Festival here .
I don't want to contravene the Trades Description Act, so I guess I should also mention that Laurence and the boys aren't doing the full Ziggy Stardust album.
It seems they've dropped It Ain't Easy, Lady Stardust and Star in favour of three songs I guess they consider better crowd pleasers.
Strange way to treat a classic album, but here's the setlist for the day as it stands right now anyway...
Five Years
Soul Love
Moonage Daydream
Space Oddity
Watch That Man
Hang Onto Yourself
The Jean Genie
Ziggy Stardust
Suffragette City
Rock 'N' Roll Suicide
Speaking of Bowie impersonators...(Sorry Laurence, I know you're a tribute act, not an impersonator...but that would have ruined my link!)
Total Blam Blam - (BowieNet News Editor)

Facebook David Bowie (official)
June 5 2012
"It's a street with a deal, and a taste...it's got me, it's got you..."
If you're in the London area tomorrow evening, why not pop down to the very place the album cover for Ziggy Stardust was p
hotographed, Heddon Street.
In celebration of the original June 6th release date of Ziggy Stardust in 1972, Laurence (that's him in situ below) of The Bowie Experience will be performing the whole of the album from around 7:00pm outside Strawberry Moons. )
After a brief break he will be continuing on with an even longer set of covers from the Bowie back catalogue.
Aside from Strawberry Moons, many of the bars and restaurants in Heddon street will be marking the event with specially designed Ziggy related cocktails and Ziggy themed decor.
Among those participating to a lesser or greater degree are Au Baine, The Ice Room, The Living Room, Strada and Titbits...all competing for your booze tokens with special offer Happy Hours.
We are duty-bound to point out that this isn't an official event.
"I had to phone someone so I picked on you, oo, oo..."
From around 6:00pm, listen out for the Ziggy phone in the red phone box. If you hear it ring, greet the caller with the words "I LOVE ZIGGY STARDUST!" and you just might win yourself a special ZS40 package with a genuine signed-by-Bowie Ziggy promo card.
Log in to Facebook tomorrow for more chances to win special ZS40 packages.

Over the years, we at BowieXp have had the honour of being featured on David Bowie's Official Website www.davidbowie.com (Bowienet).
Here are just some of the items.
Reproduced by kind permission (thank you Blam).

Screaming above Central London...
Similarly to the above story, if you don't subscribe to The Bowie Experience newsletter then you might not know that the band's upcoming London date has moved from November to February next year.
Here's a bit from the newsletter from front man Laurence...
You'll know that we had a date at The Camden Barfly, Camden, London in the diary for November, due to management change at the venue we have been rescheduled, the new date is February 25th 2010.
If you have bought a ticket don`t worry it`s still valid for the new date.
All the best, Laurence.
So February it is...see you there London boys and girls.
Check out The Bowie Experience MySpace page for more UK gigs in your area.
Total Blam Blam - (BowieNet News Editor)

Somebody plays my song in tune...
If you've not seen mention of David Bowie tribute outfit, The Bowie Experience on these pages yet, then you've not been looking. (07.23.2004 NEWS: WITNESS THE BOWIE EXPERIENCE IN THE UK TONIGHT & 08.06.2004 NEWS: BOWIE EXPERIENCE AND DIAMONDDOGZ AUGUST UK DATES)
Another busy month for Laurence and his merry men, check out the September diary below:
September Dates
Friday 3rd - Laurence - The Cricketers, 41 Windham Road, Bournemouth, Dorset. Tel: 01202 551589
Saturday 4th - Bowiexp as duo - The Volunteer, 12 Eastgate Street, Lewes, East Sussex. Tel: 01273 478557
Sunday 5th - Laurence - The Spice Ship, Preston Road, Preston, (Near Weymouth), Dorset.Tel: 01305 834651
Saturday 11th - Bowiexp as 5 piece - The Oxford Arms, Newcastle-Under-Lyme.
Sunday 12th - Bowiexp as 5 piece - The Nags Head, Nuneaton.
Friday 17th - Bowiexp as 5 piece - The Shed, Wedgbury way, Brierley Hill, West Midlands.Tel: 01384 482443 theshed@shedsounds.com
Saturday 18th - One of two proposed gigs, details to follow.
Sunday 19th - Laurence - The Kings Arms, Stockland, Near Honiton, Devon. Tel: 01404 881361
Saturday 25th - Bowiexp as 7 piece - Pfizers Social Club, Ramsgate Road, Sandwich, Kent.
Thursday 30th - Laurence - The Antelope, West Street, Wareham, Dorset. Tel: 01929 552827
We'll let you have the missing details for the two shows around the 18th as we have them. If you do manage to get to see The Bowie Experience please do let us know what you think.
Total Blam Blam - (BowieNet News Editor)
The Bowie Experience rocking out at Mr Kyps in Poole, Dorset, just last month.
Laurence keeps an odd eye out for his arch rivals
The Reg Dwight Experience. ARCH rivals! Geddit?
I'd like your face in the crowd...
The Bowie Experience continues to conquer the West Country here in the UK, as you can see from the October diary below:
Saturday 9th - Bowiexp DVD - Further details to follow.
Sunday 10th - Bowiexp as 4 piece - The Thomas Tripp, 10 Wick Lane, Christchurch, Dorset.Tel: 01202 490498
Friday 15th - Bowie band 4 piece - The Queens Tap , 74 Station Road, Swindon. Tel: 01793 535395
Saturday 16th - Bowiexp as duo - Didcot labour Club, 89 Station Road, Didcot, Oxon. Tel: 01235 813455
Sunday 17th - Laurence - Salterns Harbourside Hotel, 38 Salterns Way, Lilliput, Poole , Dorset. Tel: 01202 707321
Friday 22nd - Bowiexp as duo - The Green Dragon, Coombe St Nicholas, Chard, Somerset. Tel: 01460 63311
Saturday 23rd - Laurence - The Starre Inn, 7-9 Purewell, Christchurch, Dorset. Tel: 01202 474762
Friday 29th - Laurence - The Castle Inn, East St, Corfe Castle, Wareham, Dorset. Tel: 01929 480208
Saturday 30th - Laurence - The Cricketers, Windham Road, Bournemouth, Dorset.
Laurence has also contacted us about a show this coming Saturday, which he explained thus:
You will see in October's diary some stuff about the making of a DVD. I would like Bowienetters to know about this, maybe some would be interested? It's free entry and they would be part of a film that will go on general release. I`m still waiting for exact address and start time, but I know it will be daytime up until about 8:00pm in the Strattford-upon-Avon area.
So, there you have it. Not sure what this DVD is but I understand they are trying to recreate an early Bowie show, with, I presume, an appropriately attired crazy kid crowd for added realistic atmosphere. I will post further details as soon as I have them.
Total Blam Blam - (BowieNet News Editor)
"Operator...Long distance connection to Earth please!"

Drive-In Saturday...
I know many of you like to be kept informed on the live intentions of the various Bowie tribute bands out there...well in that case, in alphabetical order, here we go...
First up, and probably the busiest of the bunch, is UK band The Bowie Experience , pictured above. Laurence and the boys have a very busy August, including headlining a David Bowie Tribute Convention at The Cavern Club in Liverpool on August 12th.
Here's the full remaining August schedule, kicking off with a show on Saturday...
August Dates
Saturday 5th - Laurence as David Bowie (solo) - Dorchester Trinity Club, Trinity Street, Dorchester, Dorset.
Saturday 12th - thebowiexperience - The Cavern Club, Liverpool. - Tel, 0151 2369091
Thursday 17th - Laurence - The Antelope Inn, 13 West Street, Wareham, Dorset - Tel, 01929 552827
Friday 18th - Laurence - BH13 Restaurant, 37 Haven Road, Poole. - Tel, 01202 701101
Saturday 19th - The Beatless Brothers, Mark & Laurence, Beatles songs done acoustic - The Clockhouse Inn, Main Street, Chideock, Dorset - Tel, 01297 489423
Friday 25th - Laurence - The Waterfront Inn, Golf Links Road, Westward Ho!, North Devon, EX39 1LH
Saturday 26th - Laurence - The Green Man, 1 Victoria Road, Wimborne, Dorset - Tel, 01202 881021
Sunday 27th - Laurence - The Spice Ship, 240 Preston Road, Preston, (N`r Weymouth) Dorset. Tel, 01305 834651
Come to the show tonight...
On the very day that David Bowie was originally scheduled to end his A Reality Tour in France, tribute outfit, The Bowie Experience, continues its trek around England with the dates below:
July Dates
Friday 23rd - Bowie Band - The Cauliflower - 553 High Road, Seven Kings, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1TZ. Tel: 0208 478 0627
Saturday 24th - Bowie Band - The Bristol Hotel, 131 Bristol Road , Gloucester
Sunday 25th - Bowie Band - Paradise Island, 18-22 Bull Street, Burnley, Lancashire. 01282 411899 [4pm start]
Thursday 29th - Laurence - The Pheonix Hotel, 15 Fore Street, Chard, Somerset. 01460 66444
Friday 30th - Bowie Solo - The Rainbow Club, Belgrave Road, Torquay, Devon.
Saturday 31st - Laurence - The Ship Inn, 68 High Street, Fordingbridge, Hants. 01425 651820
Here's a general note from head main man Laurence, (Pictured above in the advertising campaign for which British Telecom used him as Ziggy Stardust at The National Space Centre in Leicester to launch their `Mars communication` system.) explaining the format of the shows and stuff:
Starting time for gigs, unless otherwise stated, is normally around 9:00pm through to approx. 11:00pm.
`The Bowie Experience`, is the catch-all title of my show when I am doing the tribute, ie attempting to look and act as much like David as I can, taking in his image changes through the years, as well as sounding like him, this applies to the show whether I`m doing it on my own (solo), with my guitarist (duo), or with the band.
When I perform under my own name, I look and act as much like myself as I can, so strictly speaking it is not a `Tribute show` but I still sing Davids songs along with material by other artists, (usually with some kind of link to David however tenuous) and as I began this tribute thing because audiences told me I sounded just like him, some people prefer it because the focus is more on the music, It`s more intimate, less `showy`.
So catch 'em in Illford tonight if you can. The Bowie Experience will be performing many more shows around the UK in the next couple of months, for which we'll post details nearer the time.
Total Blam Blam - (BowieNet News Editor)

Looked a lot like you and me...
Bowie tribute artist, Laurence, (above left) and Bowie impersonator, (right) have been hired by the BBC for an episode of a new six-part comedy due to start airing next month, called Time Trumpet.
Written and directed by satirist Armando Iannucci , (whose previous work includes the brilliant The Day Today, Alan Partridge and The Thick Of It, among many other things) Time Trumpet will "look back" on events of the next 50 years from the perspective of a nostalgia show from the year 2050.
I'm been asked not to give anything away about the episode in which both get to play David Bowie's alter-ego Ziggy Stardust, but I don't think I'm revealing too much when I say you probably won't view Stars In Their Eyes in quite the same way again!
It does all sound a bit of a hoot and we'll give you the definite air date of this particular episode as soon as it's confirmed.
Total Blam Blam - (BowieNet News Editor)
Double click to edit
"We should be on by now..." Laurence of The Bowie Experience wonders which Bowie to be tonight.
Singing old songs we love...
We told you about David Bowie tribute outfit, The Bowie Experience, a couple of weeks back (07.23.2004 NEWS: WITNESS THE BOWIE EXPERIENCE IN THE UK TONIGHT) and it seems August is going to be just as busy for Laurence and the boys as July was.
Fresh from a triumphant show in Taunton, Somerset, last night, the band continues to storm the West Country this evening with a show in Dorset as outlined in the August diary below:
August Dates
Friday 6th - Bowiexp as 7 piece - Mr Kyps, 8a Parr Street, Lower Parkstone, Poole, Dorset. Tel: 01202 748945 (Log on to web site for fan review)
Saturday 7th - Bowiexp as 7 piece - The Marine Theatre, Lyme Regis. Box Office: 01297 442138
Sunday 8th - Laurence - Shell Bay Bistro, Ferry Road, Studland, Dorset. (5:00 - 7:30pm) Tel: 01929 450363
Friday 13th - Bowiexp as 5 piece - Scallies, Weston Super Mare, Somerset.
Saturday 14th - Laurence - The Starre, 7-9 Purewell, Christchurch, Dorset. Tel: 01202 474762
Sunday 15th - Laurence - The Spice Ship, Preston R`d, Preston, Weymouth, Dorset. Tel: 01305 834651
Friday 20th - Bowiexp as duo - Shell Bay Cafe, Studland Road, Studland Dorset. Tel: 01929 450363
Friday 27th - Bowie solo - The Mermaid Hotel, Bristol Road, Sherborne, Dorset. Tel: 01935 812229
Saturday 28th - Bowiexp as 5 piece - The Bell Inn at Ash, Ash, Devon.
Sunday 29th - Bowiexp as duo - The Castle Inn, Corfe Castle, N`r Wareham, Dorset. Tel: 01929 480208
Also during the afternoon of Sunday 29th August the band will be taking part in the free party in the park at Poole Park in Poole Dorset, contact Mr Kyps for details.
If the online reviews are to be believed and if the Unplugged And Somewhat Slightly Dazed CD that Laurence sent me is anything to go by, The Bowie Experience is well worth checking out. The band plays a wide range of songs from all eras of the Bowie back catalogue and does a pretty convincing job of many Bowie originals from Eight Line Poem through Scary Monsters to Seven and beyond.
If you do pop along to any of the above dates, please say hello to Laurence from us.
Total Blam Blam - (BowieNet News Editor)